About SATW

The Swiss Academy of Engineering Sciences SATW is the most important network of experts for engineering sciences in Switzerland and is in contact with the highest Swiss bodies for science, politics and industry. The network is comprised of elected individual members, member organisations and experts.

On behalf of the federation, SATW identifies industrially relevant technological developments and informs politics and society about their importance and consequences. As a unique expert organisation with high credibility, it conveys independent and objective information on technology – as the basis for establishing well-founded opinions. SATW also promotes the interests and understanding of technology in the population, including young people in particular. It is politically independent and non-commercial. 

Code of Conduct

The SATW is a member organisation of the Swiss Academies of Arts and Sciences (a+). The Swiss Academies of Arts and Sciences network the sciences regionally, nationally and internationally. They represent the scientific communities in a disciplinary, interdisciplinary manner and independently of institutions and subjects. Their network is long-term oriented and committed to scientific excellence. They advise politics and society on knowledge-based and societally relevant issues.


As the most important network of experts for the engineering sciences in Switzerland, our goal is to further enhance Switzerland’s leading position in this field, and to help ensure that findings are translated into technologies and innovations for the benefit of the economy and society.


  • The engineering sciences provide a basis for prosperity and sustainable development. To this end, SATW shares the collective knowledge of its Full Members, its Member Organisations and its numerous experts from a wide range of fields.
  • It significantly aids the development of Swiss society by contributing independent and fact-based expert knowledge from engineering, science, industry and business to democratic decision-making processes. In this way, it assists not only politicians and businesspeople, but also individual citizens who, by gaining a better understanding of the challenges, become able to participate in the public debate.
  • SATW actively promotes the networking of a wide range of stakeholders both nationally and internationally. We are convinced that an open exchange of ideas and best practices leads to sustainable innovations for the well-being of society. In addition, we identify future-oriented technologies and provide comprehensive orientation in the industrial landscape.
  • SATW promotes diversity. On behalf of all its Full Members, it strives for proper representation of the various technical fields, genders and linguistic regions.
  • We encourage young talent in the STEM disciplines.
    SATW is helping to address the shortage of specialists in technical domains. It gives teachers support for stronger integration of technology into their teaching. It introduces future generations to the diversity of technical professions, and empowers girls and women to see themselves in the field of technology.

Who is SATW? - Questions and answers

Members and member organisations

SATW has around 370 individual members and 56 member organisations. Individual members are outstanding experts from the fields of education, research, commerce and industry and politics. They are appointed for life. Specialist Swiss organisations serving the engineering sciences can apply to become member organisations of SATW. Member organisations pay an annual subscription and can apply to the SATW for grants for projects and events.

SATW in numbers







