Mass cultivation of stem cells

Experts: Eliane J. Müller (Universität Bern)

If it proves possible to produce living stem cells in large quantities, they can be used for applications in medicine and possibly in the food industry. They offer replacements for damaged cells or tissue in the context of serious diseases, are excellent for research purposes and are even starting to be used to produce cultured meat – also known as lab-grown meat or in vitro meat. It is still unclear whether the latter application will catch on. In the medical sector, this technology is well accepted by the general public, provided it is strictly regulated. For Switzerland, as an outstanding medtech location, it thus offers huge economic opportunities, thanks to its high market potential.

Picture: CDC, Unsplash


Stem cells are cells that have unlimited growth potential. They form the basis of embryonic development and are of central importance for the regeneration of certain tissues throughout life, dividing to form new stem cells or, under the influence of the body’s own signals, specialised cells with predetermined tasks. Biologists distinguish between different kinds of stem cells, which either form an entire organism, or are restricted to the regeneration of certain organs or cell types. In mass cultivation, stem cells are allowed to proliferate under controlled conditions in large quantities and to a high quality standard for direct use in therapeutic or regenerative medicine and, in the future, possibly in the food industry as well.

Current and future applications

Endogenous and exogenous stem cells both have enormous potential for research, treatment of injuries and therapy for serious diseases. They are currently used to restore or replace damaged cells or tissue in connection with blood, skin or eye diseases and, in rare cases, bone problems. A multitude of other possible applications are still at the clinical study stage, but are receiving considerable funding, especially in international research projects. Stem cells thus constitute an important element of therapeutic, but also regenerative, medicine for the purpose of healing cells, tissue or organs with functional disorders. One of the next milestones is the production of organoids (millimetre-sized organ-like microstructures) from stem cells in bioreactors (see Showcase Implants from a loudspeaker) for use in both research and therapy. There are also future applications aiming at stem-cell-based therapies for immunological and inflammatory diseases.

Another application is being discussed in the food industry, specifically in the production of laboratory-grown meat (see article Alternative protein sources, see Showcase 3D printing of food), meaning meat that is grown from animal cells in a laboratory. However, this market is currently small, both in Switzerland and abroad, and its potential is uncertain. In addition, such products are still very expensive and the main arguments in favour of this application (reduced use of antibiotics and improved eco-balance) are unproven.

Opportunities and challenges

Mass cultivation of stem cells represents a great opportunity for society: It promises therapy or even cures for numerous serious diseases and is an important step on the way towards personalised healthcare using the body’s own stem cells. The legal regulatory requirements are strict and careful pre-implementation scrutiny is essential, so as to avoid unintended consequences. The cultivation of stem cells for therapeutic purposes promises billions in sales. As a world leader in medical technology which also has advanced research projects at universities, Switzerland has a duty to fund this technology.

Therapeutic applications require large quantities of high-quality living functional stem cells. This requires further development of the reactors and the post-proliferation processing. Today, mass cultivation of stem cells is mostly done in so-called "cell factories" – in sterile plastic dishes, up to 40 of which are stacked on top of each other in an area of up to one square metre. This allows high throughput, even though handling and cell growth monitoring are time-consuming. Alternatively, proliferation can take place in a bioreactor; strict process monitoring is essential though. The possibility of using 3D printing to produce reactors adapted to cells’ properties is a promising research topic that could offer solutions to some of the challenges.


It may be worthwhile to give stem cell cultivation and therapy in the context of regenerative medicine a similar level of funding as cancer research. The focus should also be more on regeneration and prevention than on medicinal treatments. To this end, it is important to drive forward the process of separating science, politics and the pharmaceuticals industry, so as to counteract the pharmaceuticals industry’s intense lobbying and to fund new creative developments in cell-based therapy.

Further reading


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